Saturday, April 16, 2011

Week of Fun

Ok, I know I've been remiss at writing for the past week. Truth is, nothing super exciting has gone on, and I'm sure you don't want to hear about how much I worked out or how many calories I've burned, or what I ate this week.

So here are a few highlights this week.
Caleb has been even more adamant about standing up. He will climb up on anything he can...couches and chairs...

His big sister...ESPECIALLY his big sister, who stands there and takes it and giggles that her baby brother is climbing up her..

Of course, it would be terrible if I didn't post pictures of his face when he contentrated super hard...

Also he's been doing this thing with his head, where he tilts it to the side for a few seconds, and if you copy it, he'll start laughing and do it again and again.

Of course, he's beginning to make messes everywhere too. How can one little boy make such a big mess?

And lastly, he found some kennel corn today. Oooh boy oh boy boy boy.

I know it seems like it's all about Caleb this week, but he's sooooo curious and exploring EVERYTHING right now. Poor Celeste is always having to clean up the letter magnets and having baby brother climb up her, she is such a good sport about it. I feel so blessed to have two amazing babies!!!

OF COURSE.............this week was GREGS BIRTHDAY!!!! HAPPY (3 years before you turn) 30!!!! YAAAY!!! haha I got him a creepy stool thing (he wanted it, trust me) and Celeste got him a shop vac, and my mom got him an amazon gift card, so I've been seeing things like ammo cans and pull up bars on amazon left on my computer for the past few days. His dessert of choice? Apple pie. Happy birthday daddy, your family LOVES you!!

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