Thursday, April 7, 2011

Great Days, Fun Nights

Our first week of having our 'things' has been absolutely a great time. I'm still unpacking a box or two here and there, but I have finally come to the point where the only way I can unpack the rest of the boxes is to get a large bookcase to hold the boxes of books we have (which is the reason Greg was nice enough to get me a Kindle for my birthday a year ago). Anyways, Greg and Celeste are really into arcade game places. They looved Vegas because of the Fun DUngeon in Excalibur, and now they are having the time of their lives a few times a week at a local gaming place called Boomers. After dinner, Greg took Celeste to play ski ball while I cleaned up the table. I went to the ski ball area and found my four year old daughter, perfectly alone, playing ski ball.

What the what?! Where are this kid's parents?! A few seconds later, when she ran out of tokens, she started running away. Startled, I followed her and found Daddy just hidden around a corner.

Well, okie dokie then. Caleb was busy eating a ketchup packet through the whole thing. Don't believe me?

Speaking of that little Waleb monster, look at his new trick!

That's not all folks...he cruises too. Yaaaaay!

Now on to what I've been busy with. Five slender windows (including kitchen window above sink). One sliding glass door. Two window scarves and two curtain panels. Hmmmmm. The math is just NOT adding up. Solution? REUSE REDUCE RECYCLE!! Or in this case...make valances for all the windows out of our old curtains!! All I had to get was some cheap brown fabric and a few spools of ribbon.

Then I got so happy I was creating my first craft on my new craft desk (as opposed to the kitchen table and making a huge mess) that I had to take a picture.

I did one to test out my plans since I've never done anything like this before.

Oooh, pretty! But here's how the living room turned out, with the blinds open and closed.

And in the next room, I put one of the scarves above the sliding door and called it a day.

I still need to get a smaller one for the kitchen done, but more pressing matters await....finding childcare for when i go back to a very part time job and making cookies.....ahh the life of a housewife.....

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