Monday, April 16, 2012

Only the Awesomest Post EVER.

So. I'm pretty sure I wanted to write more often. But it seems I haven't even made it past Valentines Day.

So I guess I will start with the big V-Day.
I wanted to have my daughter and her friends decorate cookies, but the dough was so runny! So instead of hearts, they decorated nice circles.

Then we got to open mail from our grandparents! Celeste and Caleb loved it.

I started work a few weeks later, and suddenly it was March.
And the next thing I knew, it was my birthday. And you know what happened? I went to work. And my car got it's new winshield (Calebs Christmas gift to me). Also the piano got tuned! And you know what else? I got to pick out a camera cause mine was lost to the tide pool. I also got a free massage. And you know the funnest part of the day? The SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY  MY NEIGHBORS GAVE ME!! It wasn't a surprise, like, everyone standing in my house yelling, it was more like, 'hey we're doing a bbq on Friday with a firepit, come join us!' and the next thing I know they're singing happy birthday and we're eating CAKE!! How amazing is THAT?!
So a few days later, my new camera made it's way into my life. I don't think I've ever been happier with a camera. My first day I had to take some pics of my daughter and her best friend, who is moving.
That Friday, March 16th, we went with the Farmers to see the CIRCUS!!! WOW!! I've never been to the circus!! First we went to eat at the Spaghetti Factory.

When we got to the CIRCUS, they called kids up to the stage to teach circus tricks. My little baby girl got to learn how to be a circus performer.

Then of course, there was a super fun show!

Of course, the next day was St Patricks Day. Celeste woke us and started going on and on about how if were work REALLY HARD and look around, we can find the little green footprints the leprechaun leaves and if we follow them, we will find his treasure. We thought it was pretty cute, but pretty much ignored it. Then our neighbors took our babies so Greg and I could go on a last date before his deployment. We went to sushi, and it just happened to be next to a Trader Joe's, so we went to browse around. First thing we see? Potted Shamrocks! So we bought some, went home, made a whole bunch of tiny green contruction paper footprints, and made a trail from the front door, all around the house, up the stairs, in the kids room, then to the guest room where we hid the shamrocks at the end of the trail. When we crought Celeste home, it was dark, and we discovered tiny green footprints and three flashlights!

On Monday the 19th, Greg left us for the third time. This seems to be the easiest best deployment our family has been through so far. With our tablets that are always connected, we were able to send pictures to each other, text each other, and video chat while he was traveling. When he got there, I set up a skype account and we get to see each other fairly often. He gets to call twice a day sometimes too, which is really nice. I don't like that sometimes he has to travel and then I don't get to skype him him, or talk to him much. But at least it's only six months, and no one is pregnant. Hooray!
So we've been keeping each other company back here at home. There have been parties and babyshowers...

And then April happened. It started with a bang when my mom sent my babies stuff for Easter!
Funny story...I was making dinner while they were playing, and little Caleb discovered how to unwrap his candy. Silly little boy.

On the night before Easter, we colored our eggs. I'm still surprised no one stained their clothes. Caleb DID try to eat the dye tablets twice when I gave them to him to put in the cups though.

Easter morning we woke up to a wonderful array of toys. The Easter Bunny must have known that mommy would eat all the candy if he left a lot! Monster immediately started playing with his puppy and batmobile.

Celeste was SOOO excited, even if she doesn't LOOK very thrilled. The Easter Bunny must have known she needed a new helmet after loosing hers and not being able to play with her bike or scooter. She also got the game Mouse Trap and a bunny.

That afternoon, I got to play Mouse Trap with my daughter. She built most of the trap.

We were playing the game, and suddenly.....I saw a squirrel skittering across my back yard!!

For Easter dinner, my neighbors did an AWESOME block party. I seriously cannot describe to you how amazing my neighbors are. They are more than neighbors and friends, they are FAMILY.

So all in all, the past few months are going fast, and I like it that way.
Cheers and Tally ho!


  1. Oh my looooong post! lol I'm proud of you for almost getting caught up. Next - Arizona! haha LOVE all the pics!

  2. Good job, Shell! Love it, love you, love the kids.
