Sunday, April 22, 2012

What a Week.

So. Here I am on a Sunday evening. BLOGGING. And look at that, it's only been a WEEK since the last time I posted something new! Nay, it's been LESS than a week! HA. Unfortunately, I'm writting because this has been the WORST WEEK EVEEEER!!!
We can say it started with my crazy ax murdering neighbor. But I'm not sure how fair that is. Ah, btw, I found out that the two stories WERE in fact, connected. Missing lady, assault rifle stealing man, he's the suspect, and my neighbor. Actually, last I heard they arrested another lady for the murder, but he's still currently a suspect. So that's been fun.
You know what else is fun? Saying goodbye to awesome neighbors. Especially ones who have my daughters best friends as a daughter. So that was my Tuesday. And now, the moment you've all been waiting for; the time where I break out in haiku.
Ode to Shooklyn

Shook-a-lyn, Shooklyn
Why must you leave us this week?
Bananas are good.

I hate that you left
You're smiling face will be missed
Pickle juice is gross.

Ah Shooklyn, my girl
Thanks for being a good friend
Eat your peas all gone.


On a side note, I must now do a section called Gun Safety 101.

That's not from lack of education either, I'm telling you. I took it away, turned it around, put it in his hands right, even pulled the trigger with him to show him....the second I let him go at it, he turned it right back around.

Even Mr Tony was nice enough to show him how to do it. FOUR TIMES.

Did that help?

Not at all.

So the rest of the week? Totally lame. Wednesday night I got a stupid eyelash stuck under my eyelid, and after not being able to get it out, went to bed. I woke up with a bright red eye that was all goopey, so I had to go to the ER (cause my primary care was booked till Monday). Turns out, I got a corneal abrasion (fancy way of saying I scratched my eyeball). So they gave me eye goop and vicoden. Don't ask me why I got the vicoden, I wouldn't be able to tell you. After a day of using the eye goop and having to call in sick for work (cause my eye was seriously swollen), I went back to the ER on Saturday. Turns out I was having an allergic reaction to the goop, which resulted in an eye infection (pretty much pink eye), in BOTH eyes. LAME. So now I'm walking around wearing sunglasses inside so I don't freak people out with my crazy SATAN eyeballs. I got drops instead, and after one use, my eye was already not swollen anymore. I am a day and a half into the new medication and still have flaming red eyeballs that leak constantly. GGRR. I know it won't be instantaneous, but I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go to work tomorrow with Satan eyeballs. Maybe I will just pretend I've been crying and score free chocolate from people. ("I'm sooo sad, can I get some chocolate??") WIN. Or I can pretend Satan is IN my eyeballs. ("What do you mean you don't want DVDs on this shelf?!" *GLARE*) I just wish this was all because of something cooler than a lame eyelash getting stuck in my eye. Why can't I have gotten this stuff from fighting DINOSAURS?! So LAME. It didn't help that last night I started feeling really achy and couldn't sleep because of it. So now I'm sick on top of that. Been having fights with my tummy all day.

But you know what?? THIS week will be better than last week! You know why?? Cause even though I started this week sick and miserable, I can only get BETTER. So THIS week, I'm going to be getting BETTER and have a way awesome week. Did I mention that I refused to let last week torture me too much, and did ALL my work outs? Cause I'm SUPER AWESOME. I also made SALMON. And my kids LOVED it. It was so good, I'm making it a once a week thing, cause we NEVER have fish cause the MAN doesn't like fish. But he will someday. Cause Lissa taught me how to make it super delicious. WOOT!

Ok.......I took my Nyquil in hopes of finding better sleep tonight in preparation for evil SATAN eyes tomorrow at work. Here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day, and this week will be a better week.

PS. I got to talk to Greg on Skype today. There are rumors that he may be home a few months earlier than planned. Didn't I TELL you this was going to be a better week?? Of course, those are just rumors...hope for the best, expect the worst.

Tally Ho and Cheers!!


  1. Maybe he'll be home in time for the Wakamatsu reunion!

  2. I think your week mainly sucked cause you left my presence. lol Bad things happen when you leave your Lissa. Just sayin. =) Let me know if you're able to score free chocolate. haha
