Monday, May 28, 2012

Remember That One Time, When We Went To Get Your Dog, And You Halfway Ran A Red Light??

So this last week was pretty boring. It was pretty much all work and craft and work and read, and I think I just fell asleep writing about it. The most exciting thing about the actual week was that Greg sent the kids CAMELS!! Celeste got a pink camel that she named Calorie (she later changed it to Kylie), and Caleb's camel is golden and named Bob, because he can say it. I make him say it every time I give it to him, he's so cute. "BOB!" Also every time he holds it, he spreads the front legs out so it hugs him. Goofball.

Another good time was when my friend Jiana came to see me and I helped her start making an apron and we had dinner together.

This weekend was pretty darn great too. And very very sad. I guess I should have known it was going to be something interesting when it got started Friday night and my neighbors got a puppy. It's soooooo cute. He's a little mini schnauzer named Semper. Also all my neighbors decided to have a big yard sale Sat and Sun mornings, so it seemed like the whole world was outside.

I got a babysitter all lined up so I could go see the Avengers movie with an old friend and Celeste. While I was getting ready, multiple police cars came to my street (again). There is some sort of conflict between some friends of mine and some neighbor that moved in a few weeks ago. It ended with my friends packing some bags and leaving. I am once again worried about Celeste, because her friend that she always plays with left. And it was very sudden, and so soon after her other best friend moved away. Now she gets to play with a handful of boys. The other vacant houses in the neighborhood finally got residents, but they are all older people and I have not seen any kids at all.

Anyways, after the movie, I hung out with my neighbors till bed time. Sunday was full of church meetings (regular service, then I'm taking a membership course), then more neighbor time. Today was the awesomest. I really didn't think it would be all that special, but I got to communicate with Greg for THREE HOURS STRAIGHT!!! OK, that doesn't SOUND as awesome as it actually was. You're gonna have to trust me, it was amazing. After that, I did laundry, scrubbed the kitchen and bathrooms, did an insanity workout, washed and vacuumed the car, had hot dogs at a neighbors, shot bb guns with kids (HAHA), had delicious chicken lasagna at another neighbors (I think I need to make dinner for every one next time, jeez!), and then we all went to Yogurtland for free frozen yogurt.

So.....don't mess with my neighborhood. We may have ax murderers, and crazy lying people on our street, but we also have a fine group of expert bb gun shooters. True Story.

Cheers and Tally Ho!


  1. Well, at least you were shooting WITH the kids and not AT them! lol And don't worry about Celeste. The bigger deal you make out of it, the worse it'll be. Kids are extremely resilient.

  2. I like the way Celeste holds the rifle below her shoulder. Funny. Your kids are way cute!!! Can't wait to see them!!
